Providing on-the-job training as a significant part of your workforce development program can provide big advantages for most companies. Employee surveys indicate on-the-job training can increase employee satisfaction and motivation, lowering turnover rates, while increasing productivity and better aligning skills with job requirements. The impact may be greater during the current high employment environment currently…
Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose, Reevaluate? A Process Improvement Process
Dutta Satadip suggests when a team’s ability to take on additional work impacts growth or sustainable improvement you should look at 3 things before adding people: All good things to do and presented with some examples and thoughts on how to go about it. I say, “Why Wait!” Industry-leading organizations regularly evaluate activities to determine what…
Is all data public?
Is asking if a database is secure the old way of thinking? Roger Grimes in InfoWorld claims it is and the reality is to know if a data source is valuable it will be hacked or more likely already has been hacked. If you ask security experts, every database worth stealing is already in the…
Corporations making "Cliff" decisions
WSJ reported today that the uncertainty is driving some corporations to delay investments. “We’ve pulled back on our capital planning for 2013,” Ellen Kullman, chairman and CEO of chemical maker DuPont , said in comments to the conference in New York on Tuesday. “We can’t in good conscience put that money into the ground and create new plant sites…