The Animated Story of Ole Kirk Christiansen and Legos. Loved these little building blocks and where they let my imagination roam. Like the 7-foot-long, very skinny car that stuck out from under the foot of my bed. That was the only place to keep it from getting trampled.
Great Sand Dunes
Sunrise at Great Sand Dunes. Be sure to scroll to see the entire Hugin stitched shot.
Mt. Audubon – Stitched using hugin
Video games to spread awareness on deadly diseases
According to Calcutta News.Net, the ‘5th International Conference on Entertainment Education (EE5)’ heard that video games and personalized advice through phone calls and messages are some of the unique measures proposed to spread awareness on tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. The four-day conference aimed to create a fusion of education and entertainment to highlight life-threatening diseases and…